Rajarshi Das (রাজর্ষি দাশ)

I am currently a researcher at AWS AI Labs in New York City, where I work on building retrieval and generative models over structured, unstructured, and multi-modal data. Previously, I was a postdoc at the wonderful H2lab at the University of Washington working with Prof. Hanna Hajishirzi. Before that, I completed my Ph.D. advised by Prof. Andrew McCallum as a part of the wonderful IESL lab at UMass Amherst. My Ph.D. thesis was on building neuro-symbolic models of reasoning over knowledge, primarily motivated by case-based reasoning.

My research interest lies in building semiparametric models of reasoning applied to structured (graphs, databases, tables), unstructured (text), and multimodal (images, UX widgets) data. I am interested in how new knowledge can be introduced (via nonparametric memories), used/manipulated (via parametric models), as well as synthesized/discovered (via reasoning).

Contact: dasrajar [at] amazon [dot] com. For JMLR related queries, please email at managing [at] jmlr [dot] org.

Selected Works

For a full list, check Google Scholar

  1. Bring Your Own KG: Self-Supervised Program Synthesis for Zero-Shot KGQA
    Dhruv Agarwal, Rajarshi Das, Sopan Khosla, Rashmi Gangadharaiah NAACL 2024
    [code], [Slides]
  2. When Not to Trust Language Models: Investigating Effectiveness of Parametric and Non-Parametric Memories
    Alex Mallen, Akari Asai, Victor Zhong, Rajarshi Das, Daniel Khashabi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi ACL 2023
  3. Nonparametric Contextual Reasoning for Question Answering over Large Knowledge Bases
    Rajarshi Das Ph.D. Thesis 2022
  4. Case-based Reasoning for Natural Language Queries over Knowledge Bases
    Rajarshi Das, Manzil Zaheer, Dung Thai, Ameya Godbole, Ethan Perez, Jay-Yoon Lee, Lizhen Tan, Lazaros Polymenakos, Andrew McCallum EMNLP 2021
  5. A Simple Approach to Case-Based Reasoning in Knowledge Bases
    Rajarshi Das, Ameya Godbole, Shehzaad Dhuliawala, Manzil Zaheer, Andrew McCallum AKBC 2020 Best Paper Runner-up
    [code], [Talk]
  6. Multi-step Retriever-Reader Interaction for Scalable Open-domain Question Answering
    Rajarshi Das, Shehzaad Dhuliawala, Manzil Zaheer, Andrew McCallum ICLR 2019
  7. Go for a Walk and Arrive at the Answer -- Reasoning over Paths in Knowledge Bases using Reinforcement Learning
    Rajarshi Das, Shehzaad Dhuliawala, Manzil Zaheer, Luke Vilnis, Ishan Durugkar, Akshay Krishnamurthy, Alex Smola, Andrew McCallum ICLR 2018

Mentoring / Interns

I had the pleasure of mentoring and working with several graduate and undergraduate students during my PhD. I am grateful that I get to continue to do that in industry by hosting interns.

Invited Talks

Apr 2024: Talk at Georgia Tech on Semiparametric Reasoning over Structured Data
May 2022: Talk at CMU
February 2022: Talk at Stanford NLP seminar series on Nonparametric Contextual Reasoning for Question Answering over Knowledge Bases
June 2021: Talk at University of Washington (H2Lab)


Along with Tegan, I serve as a managing editor for Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
I had a great time co-organizing the weekly Machine Learning and Friends Lunch for 3 years. Please consider giving a talk!
I have co-organized the following workshops I review for almost all of major NLP (ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, EACL) and ML conferences (Neurips, ICML, ICLR) and journal (TMLR) every year.